I found this picture on: beaudaniels-illustration.com/technical-drawin... This picture shows Exploration can make the country rich and advanced. This picture is about gathering oil. This means if the goverment let the scienty continue study the geograghy, socienty will find some natural resources. These natural resources can be sold or use to make other products, so Exploration can make the country rich. If the country want to find natural resource they first have to develop their technology. When they have advanced technology, they can find the new resource that other's didn't know. This shows Exploration can make the country advance.
I found this picture on: http://www.domesdaymaps.com/ This picture is a map of the world. There are some on the map. These are about the cliamte of these country. The place of these country. There also have some notes about which place they had already went. Which place they not went. This picture shows Exploration can help the country to colonial expansion. If the country let some people to exploration. When they came back they will give accurate informations to the government. These informations can help the government a lot.
I found this picture on: http://www.arcadiastreet.com/ This picture is about lunar excursion. This picture shows exploration can make the country have advanced science and technology. If the government let the scientist work together and continue study. They will get some new technology soon. For example: The America let the scientist work together to study spaceflight. Then they became the first country to lunar excursion. This example and the picture prove Exploration can make the country have advanced science and technology.
Good pictures! Thank you for completing your homework!