1. In this map, I can clearly see this name. This makes me happy, because if I can't see the name very clearly, it will make me confuse, worried about is it the map of St. Lawrence River. In the map I can see the border of the sea and the land very clearly. This is great! This make the reader save worried about the map.
2. There is a big, long bridge across the river. The sky is dark blue. It seems the night will come soon. The sky that far away from bridge is pink and yellow. The beautiful afterglow make the reader feel warm. Many skyscrapers spire in the left side of the river. The lights of them are green. This makes the picture a little slow dive and scared. The river is wide and long. It is Lyons blue.
This picture like a canvas. The trees in the picture is strange. The trees in the left are sear like in winter. The trees in the middle are growing exuberance like in summer. The afterglow is also beautiful. On the middle of the dark blue sky there is a brightness moon.
3. Choose a river for transportation is easy to exploration. Use River can see the land and the view clearly. This makes a big convenience for explorer. Choose a river for exploration make the explorer easy to estimate aspects, and easy to travel.
www.uppercanadahistory.ca/finna/finna2.htmlThis is a picture of Champlain's habitation that in Quebec, although there are only black and white in this picture, we also can see how luxury the house is. This house is a big house! There are many rooms in the house. The house has two floors. The rooms that at second floor have balcony. There are some words on the walls. There are three chimneys on the housetop. On the center of the housetop, there is a flag. There is also having a big garden of the house. The location of the house is very good. It is on the beach, if you stand behind the window, you can see the sea.
These cliffs are nature cliffs, because human can't make such a huge thing! The cliffs are too high and too long! That is bigger than human million times!
6. I learn a lot in this lesson. I learn where the St. Lawrence River is. I have learned Quebec is a very beautiful place. I have learned Champlain's house that in Quebec is very big and luxury. This shows Champlain have a very comfortable life in Quebec. I also learn Quebec have many cliffs. These cliffs like a nature barrier protect this land.